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Main Fèis


21st - 25th October 2024

Bun-Sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis (Inverness Gaelic Primary School)


Offering children and young people a chance to learn more of our heritage, by experiencing Scottish traditional music and Gaelic culture.

Fèis Mhòr (ages P4+) will have the following choices:

Bogsa-ciùil | Accordion - Stuart MacKintosh

Fidhle | Fiddle - Irene Fraser

Fìdeag & Feadan | Whistle & Chanter - Ivan steele / Karen Oakley

Clàrsach | Harp - Sandra MacLeod

Dannsa Gàidhealach | Highland Dancing - Cheryl Heggie 

Giotàr | Guitar - Barry Reid

Dràma | Drama - Ró ó hEadhra

Meur-chlàr | Keyboard - Amy Naulls

Seinn | Gaelic singing - Shona MacQueen

Fèis Bheag (P1-P3)

Fèis Bheag | Wee Fèis - Liza Mulholland & Karen Oakley

Offering lots of fun games, crafts, songs and music.  

**Children in P3 have the option to choose one Fèis Mhòr class to try during the week. This will be arranged when you register your child on the Monday morning.

Places will be limited and must be booked in advance.

Financial aid is available to those who require it, please email us at for information.

Monthly Classes

Balloch Village Hall

Accordion & Chanter - 2 - 3:30 pm

Fiddle & Guitar - 3:30 - 5 pm

Join our brilliant team of tutors (Irene Fraser Stuart MacKintosh - Musician/Accordion Tutor Colin Melville and Barry Reid Music), learn how to play with other musicians and craft your musical skills. While these groups aren't suitable for beginners we will have an opportunity later in the year to learn more about these instruments. 

  • Suitable for 8+ years who have been experience playing.

  • Each session is £5 and participants should bring a drink and snack.

  • Parents are invited to stay however there will be FaB committee members present at sessions.

Email the team to sign up for the monthly classes:


Fèis a' Bhaile

Fàilte gu Fèis a’ Bhaile


Fèis a’ Bhaile has been running in Inverness for almost 30 years, giving young people aged 4 –

18 the opportunity to participate in traditional music and Gaelic culture. The Fèis provides

opportunities for all skill levels from total beginner to experienced learners to develop their

skills and talent in a friendly and informal setting, with the emphasis always on fun.

Keep an eye on this website and our new Facebook page for more information: 

Who Are We? - Cò tha sinn?

What We Do - Dè bhios sinn a’ deanamh?

 Main Fèis- Prìomh Fhèisand


Fèis Days- Làithean Fèise

Every year we run a number of different Fèis events from single  

days to our week long Fèis in October. Our events include music,

drama and arts, so there is something for everyone, and don't 

worry, we do almost everything in English although you will be

encouraged to try some Gaelic.  You can find details of the next

Fèis on our events page.


Monthly classes (On-going classes) – Clasaichean leantainneach

Fèis a’ Bhaile also runs monthly clubs in Inverness during the school term. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for the most up to date news or contact us to find out more.


Fèis a' Bhaile is run by a committed group of musicians, parents 

and helpers to ensure Gaelic culture and music is available to all

those children and young people who want to know more about

their own cuture and traditions. We are passionate about making

the classes fun, so smiles and laughter are the order of the day.


©2018 by Fèis a' Bhaile                                                                     Registered Charity SC049447.

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